
Try the very best of Strava. First month's on us.
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Billed at US$79.99/year + tax
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50% Off (Verified Students)



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Billed at US$39.99/year + tax
Family Plan
4 Accounts



per person*

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Billed at US$139.99/year + tax
*Price reflects a Family Plan with 4 members.

And if you’re a teacher, military member or medical professional, you get 25% off.

Unlock new features that help you reach your goals and have more fun.

Compete on Segments

Challenge yourself against your past efforts, your friends and millions of other athletes.

Compete on Segments

Keep track of your progress and see how you stack up against your friends on your favorite portions of roads or trails.

Compare Past Efforts

Automatically match runs and rides on the same route so you can see how your performance changes over time.

Accelerate Training

See all your training in one place and chart your progress with unique analysis tools & an interactive record of your activities.

Advanced Performance Metrics

Import your HR and power data, then let Strava analyze it to show you how hard you’ve been working. Strava accepts data from nearly every type of fitness device.

Training Dashboard

See how your fitness is building over time and whether you’re training effectively.

Set Custom Goals

Set time, distance or performance goals and measure your progress.

Analyze Your Training

Quickly scan your past activities and find connections between training patterns and performance.

Discover New Routes

Let the Strava community guide you to great new places to run and ride, anywhere in the world.

Plan & Discover Routes

Get suggested routes for runs and rides in seconds, leaving from anywhere and based on past activities from other Strava athletes.

Location Sharing from Devices

Beacon gives you live location tracking from Garmin and Apple Watch devices. Use it for safer activities and peace of mind for friends and family.

See Your Personal Heatmap

Get an interactive visualization of your runs and rides everywhere in the world.

Compete on Segments

Keep track of your progress and see how you stack up against your friends on your favorite portions of roads or trails.

Compare Past Efforts

Automatically match runs and rides on the same route so you can see how your performance changes over time.

Advanced Performance Metrics

Import your HR and power data, then let Strava analyze it to show you how hard you’ve been working. Strava accepts data from nearly every type of fitness device.

Training Dashboard

See how your fitness is building over time and whether you’re training effectively.

Set Custom Goals

Set time, distance or performance goals and measure your progress.

Analyze Your Training

Quickly scan your past activities and find connections between training patterns and performance.

Plan & Discover Routes

Get suggested routes for runs and rides in seconds, leaving from anywhere and based on past activities from other Strava athletes.

Location Sharing from Devices

Beacon gives you live location tracking from Garmin and Apple Watch devices. Use it for safer activities and peace of mind for friends and family.

See Your Personal Heatmap

Get an interactive visualization of your runs and rides everywhere in the world.

What you’ll get

Activity Recording
Device Support
Social Network
Beacon on Phones
Beacon on Devices
Route Planning
Segment Competition
Training Dashboard
HR & Power Analysis
Advanced Metrics
Goal Setting
Training Log
Compare Efforts
Personal Heatmaps
Partner Perks