Ranvile to Amfreville

Ride Segment Ranville, France
  • Distance0.91km
  • Elevation Gain30m
  • Avg Grade3.3%
  • Lowest Elev20m
  • Highest Elev50m
  • Elev Difference31m
  • 4,055 Attempts By 730 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Hugo T 1:37
2 Stan Pelletan 1:40
3 baptiste tt 1:43
4 Gérard L 1:46
4 Rémi Aulas 1:46
6 michel martin 1:50
7 Jean-François LEBAILLY 1:52
7 Sandy L 1:52
9 Fabrice Signoret 1:53
9 Thierry Lamy 1:53
9 Michel KAZ 1:53
9 Sylvain c 1:53
9 pascal ccs 1:53

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