Grand Union - V7 Bridge

Ride Segment City of Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
  • Distance0.86km
  • Elevation Gain29m
  • Avg Grade3.3%
  • Lowest Elev80m
  • Highest Elev108m
  • Elev Difference29m
  • 1,255 Attempts By 260 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Alex C 1:50
2 Paul C 1:51
3 Matt L 1:58
4 Gareth P 2:00
5 Anthony Struwig 2:02
6 Weng Kok 2:03
7 Adam F 2:08
8 Si G 2:11
8 Tom S 2:11
10 David Hutchins 2:13
10 Rick Vernon BCG 2:13

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