Piste Carros - Broc

Ride Segment Carros, France
  • Distance6.44km
  • Elevation Gain49m
  • Avg Grade0.6%
  • Lowest Elev69m
  • Highest Elev106m
  • Elev Difference37m
  • 94,761 Attempts By 10,106 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 clément champoussin 6:51
2 Cyril Barthe 7:05
3 Rudy Molard 7:08
4 Nickolas Zukowsky 7:10
4 DI BOB 7:10
6 Julien T 7:12
7 Maxime U 7:15
8 Kasper Asgreen 7:21
9 Alexis Roche “Ça C’est Gravel” 7:23
10 P G 7:24

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