Cervens climb 1

Ride Segment Perrignier, France
  • Distance0.83km
  • Elevation Gain44m
  • Avg Grade5.3%
  • Lowest Elev563m
  • Highest Elev607m
  • Elev Difference44m
  • 9,012 Attempts By 1,272 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Xavier. Bonnehorgne - U 1:29
2 alexandre gueudret 1:30
3 Eric M 1:32
3 Remi F 1:32
5 Orso L 1:33
5 Gabriel Goncalves 1:33
5 Loïc R 1:33
8 hugo d 1:34
8 clément gaffarelli 1:34
8 Nico E 1:34

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