Coup de Q sortie de Bussières

Ride Segment Bussières, France
  • Distance0.57km
  • Elevation Gain22m
  • Avg Grade3.8%
  • Lowest Elev569m
  • Highest Elev591m
  • Elev Difference22m
  • 1,930 Attempts By 274 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Django Renaud 50s
1 Ju R 50s
3 thierry ROBERT 1:02
4 Baptiste D 1:03
5 yvan c 1:04
6 Gaetan Morel 1:07
6 Sylvain Cholleton 1:07
8 David GALLAND 1:08
9 Vincent Burnichon 1:12
9 David R 1:12

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