
Ride Segment Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  • Distance1.05km
  • Elevation Gain117m
  • Avg Grade9.5%
  • Lowest Elev809m
  • Highest Elev910m
  • Elev Difference101m
  • Climb Category4
  • 4,321 Attempts By 475 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Jared Méndez 2:23
2 JUANDI Bobby’s Cycling Team 2:28
3 Daniel Lalinde 2:30
4 Pablo Mudarra 2:32
5 José Darío Solano Badilla 2:36
6 Brayan Rahilly 2:48
7 Anthony M 2:51
8 Fabrizzio S 2:57
9 Nelson M 2:59
10 roberto c 3:01

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