Ride Segment Camugnano, Italy
  • Distance0.91km
  • Elevation Gain143m
  • Avg Grade15.6%
  • Lowest Elev470m
  • Highest Elev613m
  • Elev Difference143m
  • Climb Category4
  • 451 Attempts By 252 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Carlo Gori 4:34
2 Jessica Cipriani 4:37
3 Emanuele Labate 5:00
3 Ferruccio Rossi Urtoler 5:00
5 Alessandro Pietro Staderini 5:28
6 sauro e 5:41
7 Mirko Nakki T 5:49
8 Franco Zolin 5:54
9 Antonello G 5:56
9 Giacomo🚵‍♂️🏃‍♂️ Pierucci 🇮🇹Genetik Cycling Team 5:56

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