Suck it up

Ride Segment Placitas, New Mexico
  • Distance0.44km
  • Elevation Gain2m
  • Avg Grade-2.5%
  • Lowest Elev1,686m
  • Highest Elev1,697m
  • Elev Difference11m
  • 4,028 Attempts By 356 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Tim Parsons 54s
2 Anonymou5e . 1:07
2 Angie A 1:07
4 Dave Chichura 1:08
5 Patrick C 1:09
6 Sam Watson 1:12
7 Fattie M 1:13
7 Zippy M 1:13
7 Seth Bush 1:13
10 Christian Mannsfeld, Bayou and Whiskey 1:14
10 Zarek Becker 1:14
10 Michael W 1:14
10 Paul h 1:14
10 Michael Dennis 1:14

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