SFR 5'

Ride Segment Almenno San Salvatore, Italy
  • Distance1.61km
  • Elevation Gain84m
  • Avg Grade5.2%
  • Lowest Elev319m
  • Highest Elev404m
  • Elev Difference84m
  • Climb Category4
  • 117,524 Attempts By 6,949 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Matteo Fantoni 🇮🇹 3:04
2 Matteo Ferrari 3:06
3 Sorriso F 3:11
4 Kevin Colleoni 3:13
5 Stefano 🥵 3:15
5 Francesco G 3:15
7 Filip Gruszczyński 3:16
8 Giuliano Ghisalberti 3:17
8 Will H 3:17
8 Nicolò G 3:17
8 Riccardo S 3:17

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