montée mehediot

Ride Segment Thury-Harcourt-le-Hom, France
  • Distance0.34km
  • Elevation Gain20m
  • Avg Grade4.5%
  • Lowest Elev150m
  • Highest Elev170m
  • Elev Difference20m
  • 2,317 Attempts By 714 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Eric Biard 45s
2 Romain B 50s
3 William Revel 59s
4 Maxence Huard 1:05
5 Nathan Jouhault 1:10
6 Yann Rivard 1:11
6 Théo Auzoux 1:11
8 Tom Havin 1:12
9 Erwann Mc Grath 1:13
10 Nicolas Bonenfant 1:14

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