Stapleford to Abridge flyby

Ride Segment Epping Forest, United Kingdom
  • Distance3.58km
  • Elevation Gain5m
  • Avg Grade-0.1%
  • Lowest Elev25m
  • Highest Elev32m
  • Elev Difference6m
  • 44,236 Attempts By 7,148 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Thomas L 4:18
2 David V 4:19
2 Jonny A 4:19
4 Leo A B 4:20
5 Ronnie S 4:23
5 rhys h 4:23
7 Neil Phillips 4:26
8 Calum Moir 4:28
9 Jim Conway MPCC / VCC 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 4:31
10 james f 4:33
10 George M 4:33
10 Noah Hobbs 4:33

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