segemnt pont de molac - larre

Ride Segment Larré, France
  • Distance2.17km
  • Elevation Gain47m
  • Avg Grade1.8%
  • Lowest Elev-49m
  • Highest Elev-4m
  • Elev Difference45m
  • 5,221 Attempts By 1,352 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Stylianos Farantakis 2:59
2 Maxime Limousin 3:00
3 Maxime J 3:01
3 Axel Laurance 3:01
3 Damien P 3:01
6 Auré Gilbert 3:13
6 Nicolas Malle 3:13
8 Maxime P 3:14
8 Erwann G 3:14
10 Yann P 3:15

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