Jasper National Park 中最佳的山地車騎乘小徑
探索 山地車騎乘小徑Jasper National Park 中山地車騎乘小徑的前 3 名
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Summit Lakes
The trail to Summit Lakes follows an old fire road, and is not very steep, making an easy and pleasant bike ride through the forest. It’s best in mid to late summer when the track has had a chance to dry out, though some sections will always be muddy....

Pyramid Mountain Approach
A fire road leads from Pyramid Lake to the base of Pyramid Mountain, making a worthwhile bike ride on it’s own, but also making the approach for the [scrambler’s route to the summit](https://fatmap....
Fryatt Valley Fire Road
This is the first leg of the journey to Fryatt Valley, a highly-rated backcountry camping destination in Jasper National Park. Backpackers often hike this road to get into Fryatt Valley, but as a wide path completely in the forest, it is not particularly interesting....
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