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+ 84

Marymere Falls

Trilho de caminhada

1,75 milhas
340 ft
One of the most beautiful in Olympic National Park.

Marymere Falls is a gorgeous 90-foot-tall waterfall that's renowned as one of the most beautiful in Olympic National Park. The hike to reach the falls is just as spectacular: you'll have the opportunity to hike through a lush moss-covered old-growth forest of towering conifers and maples on this almost 2-mile round-trip hike.

The trail itself is smooth and non-technical, making for a perfect family-friendly adventure. The final conclusion of the trail requires hikers to ascend a staircase to the viewing platform, but the stairs are easily navigable for most people.

Written by Greg Heil
Criado por
Strava Routes

Rota e elevação

600 ft700 ft800 ft0,0 milhas0,2 milhas0,4 milhas0,6 milhas0,8 milhas1,0 milhas1,2 milhas1,4 milhas1,6 milhas


NomeDistânciaDif. ElevaçãoInclinação Média
Olympic Highway Climb0,64 milhas246 ft7,3%