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Long Trail: VT-125 to Winooski River (Middlebury Gap)

Hiking Trail

44.86 mi
13,273 ft
Multiple ridgetop traverses showcasing some of the best views on the entire trail.

This portion of the Long Trail begins at Brandon Gap, adjacent to the Middlebury Snowbowl. In just five miles, the trail makes a grueling, rugged ascent into the Breadloaf Wilderness on a path for its namesake peak.

Hovering just above 3,800 feet, the summit of Breadloaf Mountain is the highest in the region. Though there are no defined overlooks, you can still snag some partial views near the summit. Just ahead, the Emily Proctor shelter serves as a popular overnight camping opportunity before beginning the trek over Vermont's "Presidential Traverse."

Continuing through Breadloaf Wilderness, this portion of the Long Trail is particularly epic and noteworthy among hikers. Vermont's "Presidential Traverse" begins with the summits of Mount(s) Wilson, Roosevelt, and Cleveland before halting for a break at the Cooley Glen shelter.

Endless vistas lie ahead, the first of which comes atop Mount Grant. To the south, you're welcomed with an excellent view of Breadloaf Wilderness from 3,600'. Nearby "Sunset Ledge" lies nearby an offers even more incredible views to the west.

Passing through Lincoln Gap, the trail begins one of the toughest climbs yet to Mount Abraham. Nearing 4,000', the approach demands three points of contact and can be particularly dangerous when wet. In return, you're rewarded for your efforts with a phenomenal panoramic vista from its exposed alpine summit.

Following the ridge, the LT passes a few ski areas with plenty of views along the way. Mount Ellen, in particular, provides some of the best as the trail drops into a clearing atop the uppermost ski lift. To the west, you can even catch a faint glimpse of Lake Champlain.

The next major trailhead lies along VT-17 and is commonly referred to as Appalachian (App) Gap. Popular among day hikers, an overlook atop Molly Stark Mountain lies north on the trail and provides phenomenal views from its flat, exposed summit.

Continuing across even higher peaks, the Long Trail crosses over Camel's Hump to round out the segment. Taking 3rd among the state's highest peaks, the summit is arguably the most recognized in Vermont. Multiple approaches bring the summit within reach of several day hikes and the views from the summit are worth every step.

The northern terminus of this segment lies at a trailhead under Interstate 89. After the descent from Camel's Hump, the Long Trail follows the Winooski River to a footbridge that allows access to the trailhead.


Written by Brendon Voelker
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Long Trail Climb0.99 mi732 ft14.0%
Long Trail Climb0.37 mi249 ft12.6%
Long Trail Climb0.23 mi315 ft25.6%
Long Trail Climb0.23 mi148 ft11.9%
Long Trail Climb0.39 mi466 ft22.5%
Long Trail Climb0.24 mi341 ft26.8%
Long Trail Climb0.45 mi325 ft13.4%
Long Trail Climb0.33 mi253 ft14.1%
Long Trail Climb0.27 mi217 ft14.9%
Long Trail Climb0.72 mi525 ft13.8%
Long Trail Climb0.31 mi210 ft12.8%
Lincoln to App Gap 10.49 mi-1,752 ft-0.1%
Long Trail - Wheeler Road to Mt. Ellen5.18 mi1,621 ft5.6%
Long Trail Climb0.97 mi748 ft14.4%
mt abe from lincoln gap1.95 mi1,585 ft15.4%
Long Trail Climb0.99 mi856 ft16.3%
Long Trail Climb0.27 mi141 ft9.7%
Long Trail Climb0.24 mi154 ft10.5%
Long Trail Climb0.36 mi187 ft9.6%
Long Trail Climb0.36 mi233 ft12.0%
Long Trail Climb0.36 mi322 ft16.4%
Long Trail Climb0.20 mi171 ft15.6%
Long Trail Climb1.20 mi791 ft12.5%
Long Trail Climb0.64 mi902 ft26.8%
Window to Parking1.47 mi-932 ft-12.0%