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+ 4

Moss Glen Falls


0.47 英里
137 呎
Short hike to a multi-tiered waterfall tucked in a granite gorge.

In the enchanting little gorge of Moss Glen Falls, you can stand in a light spray of cold mountain water, beneath overhanging ferns and a canopy of hemlock. The hike is short, but its strewn with rocks and roots and usually muddy. Soon you’ll reach a viewpoint of the waterfall, atop the rim of its canyon. If you brave the slippery rocks, you can get right down to the creek and the base of the falls. There are some small pools you can wade in, but nothing deep enough for swimming. If you follow the trail to get above the waterfall, you can explore an upper section of narrows. Up there, the trail becomes more strenuous and potentially more slippery as well. The falls have water year-round, but the hike is best in summer and fall. Avoid the spring “mud season” because of especially mucky and slick conditions. Written by Jesse Weber
Strava Routes


500 ft
850 呎900 呎950 呎0.0 英里0.0 英里0.1 英里0.1 英里0.2 英里0.2 英里0.3 英里0.3 英里0.4 英里0.4 英里