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Stowe Quiet Path

Trilho de caminhada

1,62 milhas
35 ft
Unpaved recreation path through fields and along a river near Stowe Village.

Stowe’s Recreation Path begins on Main Street in the Village and extends through fields and forest on a paved path. This trail is open to pedestrians as well as bicyclists. An alternative is the Stowe Quiet Path, which is for pedestrians only. It makes a loop by connecting with a portion of the main rec path. More calm and natural than the paved path, the Quiet Path has a greater abundance of birdlife and other animals in the fields, bushes, and along the river. The Quiet Path is loved most by dogs and their owners, for the abundance of soft grass and wide-open space where leashes aren’t required. With or without a dog, walkers and joggers will enjoy the path for the same reasons. There are also ideal spots for picnics or playing yard games if you bring them. Much of the trail surface is mowed grass. Some sections are dirt, and the section that’s shared with the main rec path is paved. You can walk any distance out and back, or follow the full loop. It is accessible all year, but snow-covered during winter and might warrant snowshoes or cross-country skis, and in spring it becomes very muddy. Access points are on Cemetery Road, Weeks Hill Road, or from Main Street by first following the paved rec path. Sources: Written by Jesse Weber
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Strava Routes

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