Big Sky Park

Chemin de randonnée

1,68 mi
15 pi
Enjoy some famous Montana "big sky" on this easy, scenic hike

An aptly-named spot, Big Sky Park is the place to head to if you want to understand where Montana got its nickname. The park is easily accessed and there are several points from which it can be accessed. All of the access points have parking spaces but these are all roadside and there is no designated parking lot - please park responsibly and don't block any roads or driveways.

There are a few options for doing this hike, but following the line shown here, which circumnavigates the entire park, is highly recommended. The trail is flat, easy and obvious all the way as it loops around the park. The views from the hike are extraordinary, with the peaks surrounding Missoula close enough to see, but strangely distant thanks for the famous big sky which separates you from them.

The overall ambience is typically Montana-esque, with the grass quietly waving, the peaks in the distance, and the clouds dancing above you. There are no particular landmarks on the route - just strolling along and enjoying the ride is the name of the game here. The park is remarkably quiet, and you could easily walk this whole loop and only see a couple of people on the way, which really adds to the feeling of wild-ness.

One thing to be aware of is that there is a private ranch in the middle of the park - be careful to abide by any "private property" signs you see en route!

If you want a nice, easy cruise - this is the hike for you. Written by Charlie Boscoe
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Strava Routes

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