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Huginnin Cove Loop


9.0 英里
980 呎
Hike through secluded wetlands, camp along the lake, and watch moose in the wild!

Starting from Windigo, Huginnin Cove is a beautiful 10-mile loop winding through forested wetlands with a high likelihood of viewing a moose. Turn it into an overnight trip with the appropriate [permit]( then spend the evening hours scouring high points to watch as they make their way through the swamps and ponds. The historic Wendigo Mines can also be seen along the eastern portion of the circuit, their remnants scattered alongside the trail. Within reach of a day hike, the loop should take between 2 to 4 hours to get from the Visitor Center to the lakeside campground, the halfway point. You can hike the loop in either direction, and if you choose to make this an overnight trip, you'll be rewarded with a spectacular sunset near the campground. Seen along the East Huginnin Trail, the Wendigo Copper Mines were in operation from 1890 to 1890. According to [this source]( "a short spur leads to what remains today; one wall of an old cabin that’s still standing and an assortment of metal work, mostly railroad lines." The remnants of another log cabin can be seen further down the trail. If you're looking for a short hike to stretch the legs after the boat ride there, the [Windigo Nature Trail]( is an easy interpretive hike with the opportunity to learn about "everything from lichens and moss droppings to island geology and succession." [Source]( Written by Brendon Voelker
Strava Routes


1 mi
650 呎700 呎750 呎800 呎850 呎0.0 英里1.0 英里2.0 英里3.0 英里4.0 英里5.0 英里6.0 英里7.0 英里8.0 英里