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+ 6

Boston Walking City Trail Stage 1


7.82 英里
540 呎
Harvest River Bridge to Adams Park

This is the start of a lovely and unique journey through the heart of Boston city centre. Much of this section of the Boston Walking City Trail is on sidewalks, and even the sections of trail are easy and well-maintained, making it a straightforward hike overall.

The hike begins on the wooden planks of the Harvest River Bridge and the trail then winds through suburbia before reaching Sherrin Woods, just to the north of Hyde Park. After passing through Hyde Park, one of the more tranquil sections of the whole trail awaits as you cross Stony Brook Reservation. There are some great views towards Boston city centre from Bearberry Hill (in the heart of Stony Brook Reservation) and it's fun to glimpse where you're heading over the next few days.

From Bearberry Hill, drop down onto Washington Street and stroll easily into Roslindale Village, where you can either stay for the night or get into the Boston public transit system.

Sources -

Written by Charlie Boscoe
Strava Routes


50 呎100 呎150 呎200 呎250 呎0.0 英里1.0 英里2.0 英里3.0 英里4.0 英里5.0 英里6.0 英里7.0 英里