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+ 6

Titus Lake

Chemin de randonnée

2,68 mi
852 pi
A family-friendly hike at high elevation, reaching a refreshing alpine lake.

Titus is a small and shallow lake with clear water, perfect for wading and swimming on a hot day. Unlike some alpine lakes with rocky, barren shores, this one is surrounded by trees and grass, and has a nice little gravel beach, making it all the more comfortable to relax at. The backdrop is a steep slope of conifers and cliff bands, and perhaps streaks of snow even in summer. The trail begins from a roadside parking near Galena Summit, which is the mountain pass between Ketchum and Stanley. It’s also near the Galena Lodge, where you can enjoy a meal before or after your hike. At just over 3 miles round-trip and in such a convenient location, this hike can make the perfect morning or afternoon activity for a day trip in the area. From the road the trail dives immediately into the forest, then follows a series of ups and downs through the trees and over open, rocky slopes with views to surrounding mountains. Some sections are very steep, but they are brief. Overall the trail is of moderate difficulty, and suitable for families. Keep in mind that the hike back is no easier than the hike in, so you’ll want to make the most of the scenic lakeshore, and rest up for the return trip. Sources: Written by Jesse Weber
Créée par
Strava Routes

Itinéraire et dénivelé

8 800 pi9 000 pi0,0 mi0,5 mi1,0 mi1,5 mi2,0 mi2,5 mi