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+ 13

Upper Rainbow Falls

Ruta de senderismo

2,39 mi
433 ft
An ultra-popular hike to a stunning waterfall.

The hike to Rainbow Falls follows a wide, extremely popular sandy trail. Despite being located in the John Muir Wilderness Area, this short hike is an ultra-popular tourist jaunt. When you reach the overlook for Upper Rainbow Falls, you’ll see why: Rainbow Falls is a stunning 101-foot-tall cascade in a rugged rock canyon.

Bring your cameras: this waterfall is extremely photogenic! To best capture the colorful rainbow mist, try to reach the falls at midday when the sun is highest in the sky ([Source](

During peak tourist season, you’ll have to board a mandatory shuttle at the Mammoth Adventure Center in order to reach the trailhead. Personal vehicles are allowed up the road to the trailhead outside of the shuttle season.


Written by Greg Heil
Creada por
Strava Routes

Ruta y desnivel

3,000 ft
7.300 ft7.400 ft7.500 ft7.600 ft0,0 mi0,2 mi0,4 mi0,6 mi0,8 mi1,0 mi1,2 mi1,4 mi1,6 mi1,8 mi2,0 mi2,2 mi


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Pacific Crest Trail Climb0,36 mi151 ft7,6 %
Pacific Crest Trail Climb0,64 mi210 ft6,2 %