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Mormon Trail

Pad om te hiken

2,4 mi
759 ft
The Mormon Trail is a popular and challenging hike that connects with several other hiking trails near Phoenix, Arizona. The trail follows an out and back route. Because of the steep grades, most hikers consider this a hard trail. After about a mile, the Mormon Trail intersects with the Hidden Valley loop trail. This adds about a mile and a half to the hike, and includes fun landmarks like The Hidden Valley Natural Tunnel as well as Fat Man’s pass (a narrow pass between two boulders.) This hike is popular with Strava members, so you’re sure to have an enjoyable time.

Route en hoogte

2,000 ft
1.400 ft1.600 ft1.800 ft2.000 ft0,0 mi0,2 mi0,4 mi0,6 mi0,8 mi1,0 mi1,2 mi1,4 mi1,6 mi1,8 mi2,0 mi2,2 mi2,4 mi