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Huble East

Backcountry Skiing Route

0.95 mi
0 ft
Classic backcountry into Sertig valley

From the top of Huble T-bar locate north (on your left) from there you can drop in to the east on th west face, which is just straight ahead from the T-bar. Locate the entry point- there is a really wide slope and a wide big rocky creek at your lower right. Start riding down and keep that creek always on your right. Get closer at the end and another shallower creek will open on the left where the forest starts. This section will get steeper in to the woods after the steep part and a little out of camber where this last slope turns to the right it merges into the big wide creek which on it has been on your right all the way down. Alternatively follow an opening to the right to a tighter forested area. Both ways are ridable and depending on the snowfall you can chose your preferred descent. Just watch out in the creek for rocky terrain. Ride down till the valley, the forest will clear up lower down, then cross the stream through the bridge and walk up to the road to get to the bus to get a ride back to Davos. Written by FATMAP Official
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

1,000 ft
5,500 ft6,000 ft6,500 ft7,000 ft0.0 mi0.1 mi0.2 mi0.3 mi0.4 mi0.5 mi0.6 mi0.7 mi0.8 mi0.9 mi