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Past Two Weeks
+ 3

Tete du Saix - Samoens side

Backcountry Skiing Route

0.42 mi
93 ft
An open face – with a 5 minute hike out

From the Tete du Saix head down Perce Neige piste and then on your right pick up Dahu piste on your right. Off to the left of this is a great open space which holds the snow well as it is mainly north facing. Don’t be tempted to come in above the Dahu from the Percie Neige as you can easily knock snow down onto the piste. This area is all open with very few hazards apart from the odd lip. Follow the natural terrain down and you’ll find a cat track. Keep your speed up as you hit this and follow the track as far as your speed will allow before hiking up the last 5 minutes back to Marmottes. Written by FATMAP Official
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation

1,000 ft
6,000 ft6,100 ft6,200 ft6,300 ft6,400 ft0.0 mi0.0 mi0.1 mi0.1 mi0.2 mi0.2 mi0.3 mi0.3 mi0.4 mi