Letzte Woche
+ 3

Bosc del Moretó


0,75 mi
0 ft
Tree runs for advanced riders.

From the top of either the Cubil or Lac de Cubil chairlifts start riding the Moretò red run. From there start traversing to the left (a quick heads up - there is a large flat area in the middle which can be avoided be traversing really hard). The other option is to ride down the Moretò piste for a bit and then pull off left before the forest starts. (If you went for the traversing option there is a ski mountaineering itinerary that acts as a reference to know that you did not go too far left). Once at the start of the run, go straight down or to the right in order to not end too far away from the puste, although the hike back might be worth it in good conditions. Enjoy the skiing through this beautiful forest. Written by FATMAP Official
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