Past Two Weeks
+ 194

Santa Cruz 70.3 Bike Route - after swim

Cycling Route

56.71 mi
2,641 ft
Created By
Kevin Edwards

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Beach Street to West Cliff0.09 mi39 ft8.1%
Bay to Getchell (West Cliff)1.87 mi-36 ft-0.3%
West Cliff Dr - Bay St to Natural Bridges2.50 mi-43 ft-0.0%
The section where I paced two gulls.1.16 mi16 ft0.1%
West Cliff - Columbia St. to Wolfe's House1.31 mi30 ft0.3%
Westcliff (Woodrow-Swanton)1.20 mi30 ft0.3%
Del to West Cliff0.37 mi7 ft0.3%
Northbound dump bump0.80 mi69 ft1.5%
Northbound roller #10.59 mi56 ft1.7%
Northbound roller #20.43 mi59 ft2.6%
Northbound roller #40.52 mi62 ft2.2%
Cement Plant Rd N1.06 mi-36 ft-0.0%
A hill near a beach where they surf 0.64 mi138 ft3.9%
Davenport kicker0.24 mi75 ft5.7%
Wilder Coast Rd. Bump0.21 mi49 ft4.4%
Santa Cruz city limit sprint from rideshare sign0.17 mi43 ft3.8%
top of mission0.28 mi-56 ft-2.6%
Delaware to West Cliff0.33 mi-7 ft-0.3%
west cliff dr - natural bridges to santa cruz wharf2.66 mi-39 ft-0.2%
Swanton to Swift0.54 mi-13 ft-0.5%
West Cliff Swanton to Bay2.50 mi36 ft0.0%
West Cliff 2.49 mi39 ft0.0%
natural bridges to lighthouse1.74 mi-13 ft-0.1%
Swanton to Almar0.84 mi-13 ft-0.1%
West Cliff Drive [East to Lighthouse Point]]1.27 mi-7 ft-0.0%
Swift to Almar0.37 mi0 ft0.0%
Lighthouse to Bay0.70 mi23 ft0.4%