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+ 6


Itinéraire de ski de randonnée

5,27 mi
3 112 pi
A wonderful, varied and scenic tour to the highest peak in the Stubai range.

This is very much a high mountain ski tour, with all the usual slight risks and huge rewards that come with such a trip. The height gain is not great but much of the climb is quite gradual, so the ascent does take longer than it might initially appear. Your efforts will be magnificently rewarded however, with stunning views and some excellent, low-stress skiing.

The tour begins with a descent into the bowl beneath the Pfaffengrat and Gaisskarferner lifts. Once in the bowl put skins on and climb up to and then onto the Pfaffenferner Glacier and continue up this to the Pfaffenjoch Col. Take in the expansive views then carry on climbing up and across the vast Sulzenferner Glacier to the broad col between the Zuckerhütl and the neighbouring Wilder Pfaff peak. Turn right and skin or crampon (depending on conditions) to the foot of Zuckerhütl's rocky East ridge. Leave your skis here and climb the ridge, initially via a steep gully and then to the left of the ridge crest to reach the summit. The final climb is an exposed, snowy scramble and, if you are in any way unsure about your ability to climb this safely, take a mountain guide.

Having reached the summit, carefully descend back to your skis and return via the ascent route. Remember that there is a final climb required to get back into the ski lifts, so save a bit of food and energy in preparation! Written by Charlie Boscoe
Créée par
Strava Routes

Itinéraire et dénivelé

2,000 ft
9 000 pi9 500 pi10 000 pi10 500 pi11 000 pi11 500 pi0,0 mi0,5 mi1,0 mi1,5 mi2,0 mi2,5 mi3,0 mi3,5 mi4,0 mi4,5 mi5,0 mi