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+ 45

Joe's Ridge

Trilho de bicicleta de montanha

5,21 milhas
635 ft
One of 18 Road's ripping ridgeline trails!

Joe’s Ridge is, arguably, one of the most iconic trails in the world-renowned 18 Road Trail System!

After climbing the primary ascent on Prime Cut, traverse across Frontside to reach the descent down Joe’s Ridge.

Joe’s Ridge begins by descending on a flowing singletrack down a mellow grade with a few rocks and jumps to keep things entertaining. But once the trail breaks out of the trees, the fun factor gets cranked up to 11!

Suddenly the trail steepens dramatically, dropping straight down the knife-edge ridges that made mountain biking at 18 Road so popular in the first place. Down one ridge, up another, and down the next—the trail flows ever downward, with a variety of ripping descents followed by punchy climbs.

On top of many of the drop-ins, advanced riders have the option to air off of rocks or jumps, catching big air into the steep descent down the next hill. However, these jumps are generally blind, which can have serious consequences if you hit them too fast and huck too deep!

The ridges are over all too quickly, but the lower section of this descent, known as MoJoe, keeps the flow rolling with a series of delightful jumps. From kickers to tables to doubles, and even some bermed turns, you’ll find tons of opportunities to whoop and holler as you fly through the air! Some riders even prefer the jumps on MoJoe to the iconic ridges higher up and choose to lap this lower section, thanks to the dirt road that bisects the descent. Written by Greg Heil
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Strava Routes

Rota e elevação

5 100 ft5 200 ft5 300 ft5 400 ft5 500 ft0,0 milhas0,5 milhas1,0 milhas1,5 milhas2,0 milhas2,5 milhas3,0 milhas3,5 milhas4,0 milhas4,5 milhas5,0 milhas


NomeDistânciaDif. ElevaçãoInclinação Média
Prime Cut - Joes & Mojos - NO SHUTTLE Loop!! 5,24 milhas522 ft0,0%
Full Climb to Joe's via Prime Cut2,74 milhas476 ft3,3%
Prime Cut up to Joes Ridge down4,92 milhas-512 ft-0,2%
Prime Cut (ascent)1,97 milhas423 ft4,1%
Prime Cut Ascent - Point to Point1,81 milhas397 ft4,1%
Prime Cut Up Joes Down4,74 milhas-479 ft-0,3%
Prime Cut Up - Bottom Half0,82 milhas171 ft3,9%
Prime Cut climb from PBR end1,59 milhas394 ft4,7%
Prime Climb (from PBR exit)1,52 milhas351 ft4,4%
Prime Cut Up - Top Half0,83 milhas177 ft4,0%
The In Between0,35 milhas-20 ft-0,5%
Climb to Joes Start0,25 milhas66 ft4,8%
Top of Joe's Run1,41 milhas-315 ft-2,9%
Full JoMoJo 2,45 milhas-469 ft-3,0%
Joe's to Road1,13 milhas-315 ft-5,2%
Joe's to Kessel (Split 1)0,68 milhas-236 ft-6,6%
HoJoes ( Joes Ridge and mojo)2,13 milhas-482 ft-4,3%
Joes DH10,32 milhas-82 ft-4,6%
Joes downhill from rest to road1,00 milhas-279 ft-5,2%
HoJoes Top Split (Joes to Mojo's first few hits)1,16 milhas-318 ft-5,2%
climb to DH20,19 milhas30 ft1,2%
Joe's Drop0,33 milhas-177 ft-10,0%
Joes DH20,35 milhas-187 ft-10,0%
race to the road0,34 milhas-72 ft-4,0%
Mojo1,07 milhas-200 ft-3,5%
Mojoe's (road to drop in for Rad Jump)0,97 milhas-161 ft-3,1%
Mojo (w/o pedally bit)0,63 milhas-131 ft-3,9%
Mojo Split 2 - Pedally Bit0,60 milhas-82 ft-2,5%