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+ 37

Firebox Loop

Велосипедный маршрут

71,69 ми
6 506 фт
A gorgeous, challenging gravel loop from downtown Salida.

The Firebox Loop is a shorter version of the 200km [Guffey Huffer]( Instead of completing the second loop to Guffey, this route solely traverses the first full loop: from Salida, over the mountains, south to Cotopaxi, and back to Salida.

While the Guffey Huffer covers some incredible terrain, the Firebox Loop arguably hits all the highlights in a much more achievable distance. Note that I said “more” achievable: this route still requires pedaling 72 miles and climbing over 6,500 vertical feet!

The Firebox Loop doesn’t take it easy on you—the first climb from the town of Salida high over the Arkansas Hills into Fremont County is the most difficult on the route! Once to the eastern side of the Arkansas Hills, the route rolls through wide-open prairie and low hills before turning left to again climb back into the lush, more vegetated mountains.

On the second mountain crossing you’ll pedal through beautiful aspen groves transitioning to pines as you cross the top of a mountain ridge, and begin to drop into a canyon. Once in the Canyon, you’ll descend all the way to Cotopaxi—the low point of the route.

After a resupply in Cotopaxi, all that’s left is a gradual and scenic climb along the Arkansas River to return to Salida. While the climb is gradual, the roughest and rockiest portions of the route are found in the last 15 miles. Skillful bike handling on these rough roads is mandatory!

Written by Greg Heil
Strava Routes

Маршрут и высота

10 mi
7 000 фт8 000 фт9 000 фт10 000 фт0,0 ми10,0 ми20,0 ми30,0 ми40,0 ми50,0 ми60,0 ми70,0 ми


ИмяДистанция Разн. выс.Средн. уклон
Up to Cottonwood6,42 ми1 729 фт5,1 %
CR 175 Cottonwood Climb5,96 ми1 706 фт5,4 %
Ute trail climb: Spiral Drive to top10,89 ми2 720 фт4,7 %
cottonwood climb6,03 ми1 660 фт5,2 %
Up Ute trail to N. Backbone2,04 ми525 фт4,8 %
Piñon push1,86 ми548 фт5,6 %
Ute Trail First Dirt to Second Cattle Guard5,01 ми1 490 фт5,6 %
Ute Trail Climb, 1st dirt to Fremont Co Line9,73 ми2 457 фт4,8 %
Ute dirt incline to first reprieve7,77 ми2 156 фт5,3 %
earn your turns3,92 ми1 152 фт5,6 %
County Road 175 Climb - Long 3,90 ми1 109 фт5,4 %
case of the steepies0,75 ми279 фт7,0 %
County Road 175 Climb1,21 ми269 фт4,2 %
County Road 175 Climb1,69 ми348 фт3,9 %
(gravel) CR175 NB 5.3%2,40 ми676 фт5,3 %
County Road 175 Climb1,00 ми272 фт5,1 %
Ute Trail Descent to Whitehorn2,09 ми-581 фт-5,3 %
(gravel) Ute EB 3.5%0,37 ми72 фт3,5 %
(gravel) Bottom of the Ute Chute1,47 ми-194 фт-2,4 %
County Road 11 Climb1,05 ми279 фт5,0 %
Send it like a Musketeer8,31 ми-1 713 фт-3,9 %
Cinder Road stock sale barn to Salida1,38 ми30 фт0,4 %
Tracks back from Chicken1,48 ми39 фт0,3 %