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+ 194

North Table Mountain (North Table Mountain Park)

Тропа для горного велозаезда

Высокая сложность
14,88 ми
1 722 фт
What this popular trail network lacks in quality it makes up for in accessibility.

Mountain bikers are moving to the Colorado Front Range by the thousands thanks to the great trail access and the burgeoning economy. With the population explosion comes throngs of riders swarming the trails, and North Table Mountain is one of the key after work hot spots for residents in and around Golden. Easily accessible off of Highway 93 or from a variety of trailheads in Golden, North Table Mountain not only sees mountain bikers, but hikers, dog walkers, trail runners, and equestrians as well. The singletrack shows the signs of this wear, with rutted sections and a lot of trail braiding. While some sections of trail are very worn, others have seen more recent maintenance and exhibit the classic characteristics of Front Range singletrack: steep, switchbacked climbs, technical rock challenges, and fast—but short—descents. This trail network is worth riding if only for the views from the tops of the cliffs ringing North Table Mountain, providing beautiful vistas of the greater Denver area, and the mountains rising up from the plains. Some sections of this network are much more difficult than others, so beginner riders can choose to stick to the easier trails and advanced riders can seek out the more technical descents. The Rim Rock Trail, which is included in this route, is closed for raptor nesting from February 1-July 31, but it can be easily skipped over by using the Mesa Top Trail. While definitely not the best singletrack trail in the area, if you're looking for a quit hit of dirt after you clock out for the day, North Table Mountain just might be the perfect fix. Written by Greg Heil
Strava Routes

Маршрут и высота

1 mi
6 000 фт6 200 фт6 400 фт0,0 ми2,0 ми4,0 ми6,0 ми8,0 ми10,0 ми12,0 ми14,0 ми


ИмяДистанция Разн. выс.Средн. уклон
Parking Lot to beginning of upper cottonwood4,20 ми289 фт0,6 %
NB West Flats to Bridge0,44 ми16 фт0,2 %
Prairie Steamer up0,77 ми66 фт1,3 %
N Table Mtn contour1,23 ми59 фт0,1 %
Parking Lot to beginning of east climb (Jeff's Booboo ascent)3,32 ми-220 фт-0,9 %
tablerock bridge0,22 ми-39 фт-3,4 %
Table Rock0,35 ми-43 фт-0,0 %
Bridge sprint0,17 ми39 фт3,4 %
Every climb deserves a segment0,21 ми95 фт8,5 %
N Table (Mesa spur to Mesa top)1,32 ми89 фт1,0 %
Bumpy section East B.0,76 ми59 фт0,4 %
Descent to Lithic0,43 ми-171 фт-7,3 %
Full Booboo from East trails1,79 ми584 фт6,1 %
Lithic Uphill Bomber0,20 ми75 фт6,8 %
booboo to rimrock summit2,81 ми702 фт4,7 %
Lithic to Switchback0,32 ми102 фт6,0 %
Jeff's Booboo ascent adjusted0,78 ми272 фт6,4 %
N Table - Lithic to Stairs Ascent1,28 ми466 фт6,8 %
Bottom to the top of the Mesa1,53 ми515 фт6,3 %
Lithic->Cottonwood0,77 ми226 фт5,5 %
Switchbacks UP0,23 ми105 фт8,5 %
Cottonwood over Rimrock3,06 ми430 фт2,3 %
Table Top Loop6,32 ми469 фт0,2 %
Upper Cottonwood Ascent0,73 ми253 фт6,5 %
Cottonwood Canyon Trail Full Ascent0,95 ми289 фт5,7 %
U. Cottonwood-RinmRock-East4,07 ми417 фт1,6 %
Cottonwood > Mesa Top Flats0,20 ми46 фт3,9 %
Rim Rock Loop1,68 ми213 фт1,7 %
East Rim Rock Ascent0,71 ми200 фт5,3 %
Whoop Whoop0,06 ми13 фт3,3 %
Golden Cliffs Climb0,47 ми272 фт11,0 %
Golden Giddy Up - Stage 6 - North Table Loop Descent2,02 ми-436 фт-3,7 %
CCW Top to Bottom Lap (outer)6,44 ми-620 фт-1,3 %
N. Table Loop - South Side - Descent1,61 ми-377 фт-4,2 %
N Table - Descent from Golden Cliffs to Gnarl0,40 ми-164 фт-7,7 %
N. Table Loop DHill (south side)0,79 ми-354 фт-8,3 %
N Table Loop from Top to Cottonwood Canyon Trail1,96 ми-384 фт-2,9 %
South Side First Descent0,69 ми-374 фт-10,2 %
Quick Zip0,33 ми-220 фт-11,8 %
N Table Loop Little Spike CCW0,46 ми89 фт3,4 %
Kessel Run East0,42 ми-112 фт-4,9 %
Climb to Cottonwood0,35 ми72 фт3,8 %
Booboo descent0,80 ми-262 фт-6,2 %
N Table Loop from Cottonwood Canyon to Parking lot4,27 ми-292 фт-0,5 %
Short Hammer0,44 ми174 фт6,7 %
Flat section with fence CCW0,82 ми-46 фт-0,2 %
2 trailer park girls go....1,86 ми138 фт0,9 %
Descent to Mesa Spur0,23 ми-92 фт-7,1 %
Table Rock Bridge N to S0,39 ми46 фт0,7 %
the Prairie Steamer0,67 ми-59 фт-1,2 %