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Outer Planets

Ruta de esquí de montaña

1,92 mi
1.597 ft
Long, steep glade runs, involving cliffs and chutes.

The Outer Planets are a step up from Angel Food. Unlike the Food, these lines are remote, steep and involve many obstacles. To access Outer Planets, enter the backcountry gate about a third of the way down Chin Clip, traverse out beyond Angel Food. Once you are beyond Angel Food, you are committed and cannot traverse back to the resort. After a fairly lengthy traverse, you should see the first shot, known as Uranus. This is the most tame of the bunch, involving a long drainage gully. Neptune and Pluto are a little more on the wild side, involving large icefall drops. Most of these can be avoided with a little route finding, but be on the look out because they are not easy to see from above. All the Outer Planets end on the notch road. This road is closed in the winter and can be used to ski/skate back to the resort parking lot. Written by Ryan Delena
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Strava Routes

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