+ 3

Harmony Waterfalls

Ruta de esquí de travesía

0.39 mi
0 ft
Two options: Cliff yourself out or send it!

You see more people on this cliff band who are billy-goating their way through or being helped by patrol than you do sending it off the cliffs but when you do... it's really quite impressive! Up there with 'Air Jordan', Harmony waterfall earns you just as much respect and although not visible to the crowd at the base of the chairlift you'll still get some cheers from the chair riding beside it. This is not for the faint-hearted and you should definitely know where you're going in here. Ranging from 20-40ft cliffs and a sweet powder landing (you wouldn't do it in any other conditions) you can get some serious air-time here! Access isn't too complicated, just keep skiing past the multiple signs that say 'CLIFF'. Written by Harriet Parnis
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