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Маршрут для бэккантри

0,79 ми
47 фт
Never too crowded, this is a nice line to be on your own

This line starts from the old indren Station. It's a quieter place since it is not as popular as it used to be. It will bring you firstly into some large bowls and then on a steeper face from where you will enter Stolemberg on a higher level than other lines, therefore having the chance to ski more powder. From this face avalanches can release so it has to be skied only in safe snow conditions- be sure to check snow pack and avalanche bulletins before attempting. Locating this line is pretty easy. form the old Indren lift you just have to ski straight in front of you. firstly into large bowls, then follow a flat slope pointing directly towards Stolemberg peak. keep your right once you're close to the peak and you will find the line in front of you! Written by FATMAP Official
Strava Routes

Маршрут и высота

3,000 ft
9 500 фт10 000 фт10 500 фт0,0 ми0,1 ми0,2 ми0,3 ми0,4 ми0,5 ми0,6 ми0,7 ми