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+ 11


Rota de esqui fora da pista

0,47 mi
13 ft
Gladed evergreens after a short hike

Broad evergreen forests cover some of the slopes of Deer Valley. The area was almost completely clear cut when at the peak of mining operations. The forests have grown back. X-Files is one such area. This is a moderately gladed slope of evergreen trees. Here you will find almost 1,000 vertical feet, and a wide area of fantastically spaced trees. Powdery snow is often preserved by the shade and north facing slope for days after a storm. To get here, go left at the top of Empire Express, then follow the right side of Orion and go through the gate to Daily Bowl and Chutes. Skate or hike along the traverse. Ski past the entrance to Chute Ten. X-Files are the trees beyond the entrance to the chute. Written by FATMAP Official
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Strava Routes

Rota e elevação

2,000 ft
8.400 ft8.600 ft8.800 ft9.000 ft0,0 mi0,0 mi0,1 mi0,1 mi0,2 mi0,2 mi0,3 mi0,3 mi0,4 mi0,4 mi