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Colter's Crawl


Awesome long hourglass

Colter's is a great run on almost any day. It has a nice, wide open upper section, then cruxes down for a couple hundred feet before opening up into the lower apron. Head South past the Nose and Joe's from the Bridger hike. Drop in from here all the way to the D Route gate. This upper part can be kind of dicey around the rocks, best to stay away from them until very late in the year, or after a couple dense snow storms. You will have a few hundred feet of good fall line skiing before it starts to narrow. It cruxes down to about 15ft wide a t the tightest, but you can usually make nice consistent hop turns the whole way. After the crux, it soon meets up with the run outs of Green Jeans and Nun's- look up to avoid anyone coming down from above. The rest of the run is wide open turns on a large apron. The upper and middle parts of Colter's will almost always have high quality snow but the apron can get sun affected, so ski accordingly. Written by Matthew Shortland
Strava Routes


300 ft