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Figure 11 Chutes

Ruta de esquí de montaña

0,28 mi
21 ft
Figure 11 Chutes are some steep, rocky tree chutes to the skier's right of Big Chute and skier's left of Sunny Glade.

Figure 11 can be a really fun alternative to Big Chute in the right conditions. When you drop in to the top of Big Chute stay right over the main chute past the skier's right shoulder of Big Chute. The steep tree chutes are Figure 11. There is a steeper chute on the left that is a little more rocky with some tight hop turns and the chute on the right can put you in to tighter trees. You want to wait till there is good coverage in here because there are tons of small and big rocks to scrape up your skis. Written by FATMAP Official
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