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Don't Stop

Маршрут для бэккантри

0,15 ми
0 фт
One of three fun gladed routes between the Crystal Traverse and the Blue Line.

Don't Stop is a fun front-side lap of Glacier Express chair. It is the first of three lines off the Crystal Traverse, just past Heavenly Basin. Don't Stop is a gladed run with a fun S-shaped chute wide enough to turn in, located half way down! The trees can be a little a tight depending on your chosen route and get tighter if you continue straight ahead. Instead veer right and join up with the last section of Smoked Salmon. Written by Harriet Parnis
Strava Routes

Маршрут и высота

100 ft
5 700 фт5 800 фт5 900 фт6 000 фт6 100 фт0,0 ми0,0 ми0,0 ми0,0 ми0,0 ми0,1 ми0,1 ми0,1 ми