+ 9

Beach Cruiser

Sentiero per mountain biking

5,67 mi
595 ft
A hidden gem that's home to the best dirt on the mountain.

Beach Cruiser can be ridden as a short loop on its own, combined with Uptown and Downtown, or even combined with Mountain View. The options are endless, but the route mapped here depicts Beach Cruiser as a short stand-alone loop.

Even as a stand-alone loop, this singletrack is a true trail riding gem. "Beach Cruiser is a favorite among cross-country riders for its winding, gentle climb and its fast and flowing descent,” writes []( They continue by saying “this trail has the best dirt on the mountain,” which is quite notable in the Mammoth Lakes area. Since most of the trails consist of loose pumice, a hidden gem of real dirt to dig your tires into is worth returning to ride again and again.

The climbing and descending on Beach Cruiser is just a touch steeper than the nearby Uptown -> Downtown loop. The final descent on Beach Cruiser is fast and flowing, providing a delightful reward for the pedal up the mountain. Thanks to superb trail construction by the Mammoth Bike Park, riders can expect excellent berms and rollers on the descent. Who can argue with the perfect combination of purpose-built flow features and classic singletrack pedaling?!


Written by Greg Heil
Creato da
Strava Routes

Percorso e dislivello


NomeDistanzaDifferenza dislivelloPendenza media
SoCal Camp Uphill TT2,24 mi449 ft3,8%
Meat of Beach Cruiser1,68 mi308 ft3,4%
Beach Cruiser Climb0,30 mi43 ft2,7%
Beachcruiser climb and run out1,66 mi-331 ft-3,2%
beach cruiser woohoo1,48 mi-318 ft-4,0%
BC HomeStretch10,72 mi-148 ft-3,3%
Beachcruiser from Shortcut1,78 mi-344 ft-3,6%
BeachCruiser backside1,86 mi-443 ft-4,4%
beach cruiser turnoff to discovery 1,14 mi-272 ft-4,2%
HomeStretch Xroads0,82 mi-220 ft-4,5%
Beachcruiser X-Zone (Mammoth)0,15 mi-98 ft-12,1%
Lower Beachcruiser (From Discovery)0,21 mi-89 ft-7,7%