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+ 25

Kew Bikes - St Andrews

Cycling Route

82.18 km
1,469 m
Created By
Carlos S

Route and Elevation

20 km
50 m100 m150 m200 m250 m0.0 km10.0 km20.0 km30.0 km40.0 km50.0 km60.0 km70.0 km80.0 km


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Smash it up to Bedford Road (via Kilby Rd)0.49 km23 m4.8%
Wangan Street1.56 km27 m1.6%
Macorna St footbridge to Greensy hwy underpass1.03 km-29 m-2.8%
_AK_Greensborough HWY Rise1.06 km49 m4.6%
The Old Windy Mile 1.53 km-54 m-3.5%
Punch into DC0.30 km15 m5.0%
Broad Gully Rd5.51 km98 m1.8%
Peak - Diamond Creek to top of Mine Rd12.13 km122 m1.0%
Cycle House Grind 2.03.46 km87 m2.5%
Broad Gully North Climb2.17 km57 m2.5%
Mine Road3.59 km94 m2.5%
Mine Road - Steep Bit0.81 km70 m8.6%
Mine rd across the top2.75 km31 m0.6%
Hildebrand Eastward3.33 km59 m1.6%
Hildebrand goes to school6.78 km-113 m-0.6%
A Boy Named Sue to Flat Rock Road9.07 km77 m0.5%
smiths gully panton hill run3.07 km-20 m-0.5%
Panton Hill Sprint0.83 km-16 m-1.9%
Peak Cycles - CFA Hill0.21 km20 m9.2%
Kangaroo Ground KOM0.42 km29 m6.6%
cracking corner0.43 km-32 m-7.4%
Eltham Main Rd descent3.77 km-119 m-3.0%
Peak No pedal sprint, apex to school crossing0.84 km-56 m-6.6%
Research Flat Lands2.20 km-26 m-1.0%
BanyuleCC Main Rd TT Part 20.85 km-7 m-0.8%
Panorama Avenue Climb (To Water Tower)0.57 km14 m1.6%
Bonds to roundabout0.97 km-63 m-6.4%
Join the horses and Pump one out6.85 km-91 m-1.3%
From the Hills to the River.1.93 km-70 m-3.6%
Long Pony from Rosehill or Bonds4.06 km-43 m-0.8%
The Hubbard KOM (Reverse the Roundabout)0.39 km-10 m-2.6%
1KM TT0.98 km-22 m-2.3%
Get to the Pony2.02 km37 m0.8%
Peak Cycles - Full Pony Club1.00 km40 m4.0%
NCC Bridge to Roundabout2.13 km44 m0.3%
Benchmark0.28 km13 m3.9%
Super Dooper Dip0.94 km-33 m-3.5%
Pak-si Roll1.56 km-41 m-2.7%
TdL Banyule Blast1.77 km31 m0.2%
Double Hump Camel0.94 km28 m3.0%
Peak Cycles - Banyule Rd Pinch0.43 km21 m4.9%
Almost at Peak...smell the coffee1.92 km-37 m-1.1%
BlackButt meets PCat1.33 km-38 m-2.6%
Peak Cycles - Sprint Finish0.39 km-4 m-0.9%
Peak Cycles - The Beverley Sprint0.17 km2 m0.8%
One last TWERK0.27 km3 m1.0%
Flats Full Steam Exit0.12 km8 m6.1%
Rise of the Rooster0.16 km4 m2.4%
Over the Bridge Sprint0.62 km-17 m-0.9%
Train Bridge Sprint (south)0.33 km-6 m-1.7%