+ 33

Los Robles Trail Direct Out and Back


8.84 mi
1,627 ft
Kevin Strehlo


3,000 ft
800 ft1,000 ft1,200 ft1,400 ft1,600 ft0.0 mi1.0 mi2.0 mi3.0 mi4.0 mi5.0 mi6.0 mi7.0 mi8.0 mi


Space Mtn Up to bench3.58 mi791 ft4.0%
Space mtn trail head to first summit2.04 mi663 ft6.1%
Dirt lot up to Bench3.45 mi784 ft4.2%
Robles Takeoff Runway0.28 mi33 ft2.1%
C.L.R.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!7.04 mi764 ft0.1%
Space to Rosewood Intersection3.78 mi709 ft3.5%
Space Mtn why stop here?1.56 mi558 ft6.7%
First climb A0.05 mi43 ft12.0%
Space Mountain - Junction to Picnic Table3.12 mi728 ft4.4%
robles to the other bench3.18 mi748 ft4.4%
Space Mountain- Bot. 2 Saddle1.61 mi610 ft6.8%
Full Space Mtn with new section3.41 mi738 ft4.1%
2021 Spring to Rosewood Intersection3.38 mi689 ft3.9%
Space Mountain (SMMT)1.52 mi-823 ft-0.1%
Space Mountain (After Bridge)1.33 mi538 ft7.6%
Robles Rollers West0.83 mi-39 ft-0.1%
New Space Mtn Summit to Bench1.91 mi361 ft1.2%
⚡Lightning and Thunder⚡1.09 mi-203 ft-3.5%
top of space to ventu0.79 mi-59 ft-1.0%
Switchback to Ventu0.22 mi-167 ft-14.1%
Down the Staircase to Gate0.11 mi-102 ft-17.3%
Space to Angel Vista: New Connector0.54 mi-213 ft-2.8%
Ventu to Bench - New Section0.91 mi367 ft7.0%
Space Mountain - Top0.51 mi240 ft8.1%
Ventu Fire Road to Bench0.60 mi269 ft7.6%
Los Robles - Ventu Park to Intersection0.43 mi220 ft9.2%
Space Mountain Descent - Lower Bench Down to Lot3.42 mi-728 ft-4.0%
Bench to Moorpark lot3.52 mi-787 ft-4.1%
Bench to Ventu Fire Road DH0.58 mi-262 ft-7.4%
bench down SM.....3.06 mi-689 ft-4.3%
Bench to Bottom Space Mtn3.20 mi-715 ft-4.1%
Rosewood to Ventu - New0.74 mi-338 ft-8.3%
Top of Rosewood to Top of Space Mtn - New1.81 mi-338 ft-1.1%
Rosewood to Ventu DH0.50 mi-207 ft-7.3%
Gary gone wild0.26 mi-131 ft-8.0%
New connector0.49 mi187 ft2.5%
Ventu to Top of Space - New1.06 mi203 ft3.6%
Delicious slider0.22 mi174 ft14.6%
Ventu Gate to Space Mtn Plateau0.89 mi98 ft2.0%
Hope Top DH0.98 mi-338 ft-6.6%
Space Mountain Downhill to Bridge1.30 mi-564 ft-7.5%
1.63 mi-591 ft-6.7%
Party Time1.46 mi-604 ft-7.5%
Space DH1.64 mi-620 ft-6.7%
Space Mountain Downhill1.67 mi-600 ft-6.7%
Space Jam 1.38 mi-538 ft-7.4%
SMSB1.14 mi-417 ft-6.9%
New Coliseum Drops!0.22 mi-79 ft-6.6%
Robles first climb0.06 mi33 ft10.9%
Robles Landing Runway 0.27 mi-43 ft-2.8%