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BBW Burnham Ride

Cycling Route

9.31 mi
79 ft
Created By
Blackstone Bike Works

Route and Elevation

3 mi
585 ft590 ft595 ft600 ft605 ft0.0 mi1.0 mi2.0 mi3.0 mi4.0 mi5.0 mi6.0 mi7.0 mi8.0 mi9.0 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Promontory to Bridge sprint0.42 mi-3 ft-0.0%
Lakefront Trail | 49th Street Beach to Morgan Point0.30 mi20 ft1.0%
47th St bump from South to top0.14 mi16 ft2.1%
up@down0.16 mi16 ft1.4%
Brace Yoself Fool!0.99 mi-16 ft-0.3%
Hill to Playground Sprint0.40 mi-13 ft-0.3%
New cutoff sprint0.19 mi-3 ft-0.1%
47th street hill climb0.36 mi13 ft0.4%
LFP: 47th St south0.20 mi16 ft0.8%
The 47th St Hill0.21 mi-26 ft-0.3%
Brace yo self drop south!0.62 mi-16 ft-0.4%
47th to Promontory1.15 mi10 ft0.1%
Sprint to Prometory0.48 mi0 ft0.0%