+ 7

Stronger Together 50mi 2024 (50.05 actual)

Cycling Route

50.05 mi
1,318 ft
Created By
Paul C

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Elm St.-138 to Main St.0.98 mi-52 ft-0.4%
Cosma Road [East]0.37 mi-23 ft-1.2%
Main St Hill0.22 mi43 ft2.7%
Center Hill0.21 mi39 ft2.7%
Lincoln Street - Hitting from Main1.60 mi102 ft1.2%
Bombing Down Allen1.10 mi-23 ft-0.3%
Rockland Sprint0.94 mi-23 ft-0.1%
Mansfield St to Beach Road3.86 mi43 ft0.0%
Masspoag Hill0.61 mi30 ft0.9%
Massapoag Sprint0.97 mi-7 ft-0.1%
Pond to Foxboro4.22 mi-92 ft-0.3%
Beach East to West0.84 mi-13 ft-0.0%
Beach Sprint0.40 mi-10 ft-0.3%
East Foxboro - Beach to Willow3.14 mi-85 ft-0.3%
W to W going south1.55 mi-49 ft-0.5%
Cocasset Hill1.04 mi79 ft1.1%
Cocasset to FB Center1.51 mi62 ft0.8%
Main Street Climb0.35 mi56 ft3.0%
140/ Lakeview to West - Foxboro Forest3.77 mi-151 ft-0.7%
Checkpoint #1 Foxboro Forest 1.37 mi-69 ft-1.0%
Foxboro Forest4.32 mi-148 ft-0.6%
Foxboro Forest - From Cross St to West St3.60 mi-135 ft-0.7%
Lakeview Rd to Prospect1.43 mi-52 ft-0.7%
Checkpoint #2 to Finish Foxboro Forest2.34 mi-82 ft-0.6%
Prospect0.84 mi-39 ft-0.9%
Water to West Express1.91 mi-72 ft-0.6%
Checkpoint #3 Foxboro Forest 0.65 mi-26 ft-0.2%
South, West - Cedar0.87 mi-43 ft-0.7%
South495Berg0.32 mi26 ft1.4%
S Grove, Green - West0.63 mi-33 ft-0.8%
West to Williams0.84 mi-30 ft-0.7%
Fruit to Washington 495 Overpass Sprint0.54 mi-33 ft-0.5%
Easton x123 Highland to Bay Rd to Prospect2.01 mi-79 ft-0.7%
Easton x 123 Highland to End1.14 mi-79 ft-0.7%
Highland Street (Not starting before the intersection)1.08 mi-95 ft-1.1%
Prospect (end)0.95 mi16 ft0.1%