Afgelopen maand
Afgelopen maand
Afgelopen maand
+ 129

Backbone up and Back


20,29 mi
2.609 ft
Gemaakt door
John Swanstrom

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Camp13 to M. HWY1,07 mi223 ft3,8%
Encinal to the top of Etz4,26 mi1.010 ft4,5%
encinal to top of mishmashu7,79 mi1.024 ft2,4%
Encinal to Mishimashu to Encinal19,08 mi1.027 ft0,0%
Encinal to Etz Motorway3,66 mi837 ft4,3%
EncinalLot2MisheMokwaLot10,32 mi1.007 ft1,3%
EncinalLot2MisheMokwaRoundtrip20,57 mi-1.007 ft0,0%
Encinal to Yerba Parking Lot9,74 mi1.020 ft1,3%
Encinal to Mulholland1,01 mi226 ft4,2%
Encinal - Etz Meloy3,25 mi-1.726 ft-0,0%
Mulholland to Yerba7,56 mi741 ft1,3%
Mulholland to Etz Fireroad2,50 mi617 ft4,6%
Mulholland to Etz Short2,06 mi463 ft4,3%
Etz Meloy Fireroad West to Yerba Gate1,46 mi-246 ft-1,1%
Etz Meloy Mtwy Climb - West0,74 mi157 ft3,9%
Backbone Challenge - Checkpoint 290,18 mi52 ft5,1%
Etz Melloy Fireroad downhill to Yerba Buena connector (corrected)0,51 mi-226 ft-6,8%
Backbone Gate Bypass0,22 mi-217 ft-14,7%
Screw that guy that put up the gate0,12 mi-105 ft-10,3%
Pungy Stick descent0,23 mi-108 ft-8,2%
Backbone - Yerba climb to second bend1,28 mi131 ft1,6%
YerbaBuena2MMlot&Back9,25 mi-397 ft-0,0%
Yerba - Backbone climb to bend0,56 mi118 ft3,3%
Backbone between Yerba & Yerba WEST3,38 mi331 ft0,6%
Mishimashu going West2,54 mi351 ft2,4%
End of Etz Meloy 2 Furthest Yerba Buena Lot4,41 mi-423 ft-0,0%
DH to yerba1,63 mi-394 ft-4,5%
Backbone Challenge - Checkpoint 300,19 mi-20 ft-1,8%
dh dh0,76 mi-200 ft-5,0%
yerba lot to lookout1,79 mi364 ft2,7%
Yerba lot to Yerba Switchback1,01 mi167 ft1,6%
Furthest Yerba Buena Lot to Etz Meloy4,33 mi427 ft0,0%
Yerba Switchback to Top Switchback0,61 mi161 ft5,0%
Mishimashu - East3,35 mi-351 ft-0,6%
Backbone between Yerba & Yerba EAST3,40 mi-322 ft-0,5%
Backbone Challenge - Checkpoint 60,19 mi36 ft3,4%
Backbone Trail Descent - Top to Yerba Buena Road2,70 mi-344 ft-2,1%
Backbone Eucalyptus to Yerba Crossing1,58 mi-207 ft-2,2%
Yerba Backbone's Last Surge and Climb0,87 mi-121 ft-1,9%
Yerba Backbone's Last Little Hurrah0,44 mi-148 ft-6,4%
Hike-A-Bike Around the Gate0,23 mi210 ft13,6%
Yerba Buena Uphill by-pass to Etz Melloy 0,50 mi230 ft7,1%
Etz Meloy going East1,44 mi279 ft1,8%
Etz Meloy Mtwy Climb - East0,71 mi259 ft6,8%
Etz East from gate bypass1,25 mi-151 ft-0,1%
Etz Last Climb before Backbone0,25 mi72 ft5,3%
Backbone Challenge - Checkpoint 70,19 mi-10 ft0,0%
Backbone Trail Descent - Etz Meloy fireroad to Decker Road2,34 mi-617 ft-4,9%
Etz Meloy to Encinal Trailhead Downhill3,34 mi-830 ft-4,7%
Backbone Trail Descent - Decker Road to Trail Head0,93 mi-226 ft-4,6%