


26,67 mi
2.315 ft
Gemaakt door
Leighton P

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Grove is in the heart1,98 mi285 ft1,7%
The Grove1,05 mi256 ft4,6%
Up Past the Grove (210)0,43 mi131 ft5,7%
Aero0,90 mi30 ft0,4%
Carne Wood to Loverston Wood down hill1,09 mi-154 ft-1,5%
Carne Hill - Up to Loveston cross0,29 mi98 ft6,4%
Wood nu love it0,19 mi89 ft8,7%
Yerbeston twd Oak Hill (Cresswell quay)0,73 mi151 ft0,9%
Weston Lane Climb0,42 mi384 ft17,1%
Teddington Sprint. 0,33 mi-46 ft-1,3%
climb into Lawrenny0,39 mi105 ft4,8%
climb into Lawrenny0,39 mi105 ft4,8%
Out of Lawrenny0,93 mi89 ft1,1%
down to the river0,36 mi-138 ft-7,1%
Cresswell Hairpin!0,37 mi135 ft6,9%
Climb out of Cresswell Quay0,58 mi157 ft5,2%
qu'resswell quay qu'limb0,29 mi131 ft8,3%
Rosemary grows0,52 mi-26 ft-0,3%
Cresselly woods W-E1,21 mi75 ft0,4%
BigWood1,69 mi56 ft0,1%
Junction to Junction0,50 mi-33 ft-0,5%
Sprint to Jeffreyston0,24 mi-33 ft-2,6%
Jeff up to Reynalton1,57 mi151 ft0,4%
Jeff to Reynalton2,75 mi276 ft1,2%
bridge to reynalton0,86 mi148 ft3,2%
reynalton hill to church0,87 mi151 ft3,2%
Reynalton Hill1,92 mi276 ft2,7%
Reynalton hill mid part0,92 mi197 ft4,0%
Reynalton hill to Croft0,67 mi154 ft4,4%
TAKE OFF1,14 mi-85 ft-0,4%
Templeton Hill to the Turn0,23 mi108 ft8,7%
Templeton to Cold Blow0,87 mi72 ft1,1%
Cold Blow to Princes Gate0,74 mi-30 ft-0,3%
Princes Gate to Narberth (Kiln Park Road)1,57 mi-135 ft-1,3%
Beat the Lights0,16 mi36 ft3,9%
bridge to redford0,29 mi36 ft0,9%
black aldern up and over tt0,21 mi-33 ft-1,0%
Narberth to Dynos Car Park0,38 mi89 ft4,3%