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Past Month
+ 95

Crooked Lane 45

Cycling Route

45.73 mi
3,238 ft
Created By
Josh M

Route and Elevation

400 ft600 ft800 ft1,000 ft1,200 ft1,400 ft0.0 mi5.0 mi10.0 mi15.0 mi20.0 mi25.0 mi30.0 mi35.0 mi40.0 mi45.0 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Beal's Sprint0.70 mi79 ft2.2%
ARBT short climb to Beals0.37 mi72 ft3.6%
Beals Point Sprint East .180.18 mi46 ft4.6%
Beals Entrance to Eureka1.19 mi-79 ft-0.8%
AF: Douglas to Cavitt1.68 mi62 ft0.4%
Douglas Dash0.64 mi-20 ft-0.4%
Laird (Cavitt to Wells)1.19 mi82 ft1.0%
Cavitt to Horseshoe VV3.26 mi92 ft0.1%
Up to Wells0.66 mi79 ft2.3%
Val Verde (Wells to Dicky)0.75 mi30 ft0.6%
Val Verde Wells to King2.67 mi-102 ft-0.0%
Val Verde (Horseshoe to King)0.89 mi-36 ft-0.8%
PenrynRd: 80 to Taylor0.63 mi66 ft2.0%
Penryn Hill0.51 mi157 ft5.8%
Gilardi Full1.68 mi203 ft2.0%
Powerhouse (Full from Newcastle)0.76 mi180 ft4.5%
Powerhouse (Newcastle to AF)1.70 mi161 ft1.5%
Powerhouse Rd Climb0.27 mi98 ft6.9%
Auburn Folsom (Power House to Shirland)0.29 mi-49 ft-3.3%
Shirland Tract up to Andregg1.65 mi318 ft3.6%
Kicked in the Chest by a Shirland, oh kicker0.21 mi108 ft9.7%
Shirland Tract Rd - Short steep part0.16 mi95 ft10.8%
Maidu Descent (toward Pleasant Ave)0.43 mi-112 ft-4.9%
Pleasant Ave (toward Pacific)0.74 mi-62 ft-0.2%
Tunnel to English Colony on Taylor2.17 mi-217 ft-1.6%
Rock Springs Road (Taylor to Brennans)1.85 mi-213 ft-0.2%
Penryn Drop0.86 mi-197 ft-4.3%
Rock Springs/Brennans climb1.31 mi217 ft3.1%
China Mine0.16 mi82 ft9.3%
Rock Springs False Flats0.47 mi85 ft3.4%
Brennans - Rock Springs to King1.29 mi-46 ft-0.3%
Brennans Bridge Bump Sprint0.37 mi26 ft1.0%
Brennans Rd (Angel to King)0.76 mi-39 ft-1.0%
King Rd to Cavitt Stallman4.90 mi-243 ft-0.8%
Auburn Folsom- King to Horseshoe Bar0.92 mi-69 ft-1.4%
King to Dick Cook Sprint1.99 mi-128 ft-1.2%
Horseshoe Bar Rd to Douglas Blvd TT5.51 mi-200 ft-0.7%
HB to DC1.20 mi-82 ft-1.3%
Dick Cook to Boulders at Los Lagos0.77 mi-26 ft-0.1%
Los Lagos to Ardea0.51 mi144 ft5.3%
CR Cavitt Sprint to Finish Line0.21 mi39 ft3.4%
AF Firehouse sprint0.26 mi36 ft2.2%
Auburn Folsom, Cavitt to Joe Rodgers1.27 mi-72 ft-1.1%
Cavitt Stallman to Douglas1.69 mi-79 ft-0.5%
The Radar Traps Sprint0.21 mi-33 ft-3.0%
Final Hammer0.91 mi16 ft0.1%
Douglas to Beals Pt - Whats left in the tank!1.72 mi62 ft0.5%
Auburn Folsom Douglas Hill0.21 mi20 ft1.8%
Last Mad Dash to Folsom Bike1.53 mi69 ft0.1%
crown to oak hill0.27 mi43 ft2.4%