+ 194

#FTWNB Legion Loop


10,66 mi
857 ft
Gemaakt door
pam ☕️ o

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Conservatory Dr. West Climb0,18 mi26 ft2,6%
Presidio Gate to Washington Blvd.0,31 mi0 ft0,0%
Arguello to Battery Caulfield via Washington1,23 mi56 ft0,7%
Washington Blvd. from Arguello to Harrison1,26 mi66 ft0,4%
Washington Ridge0,56 mi33 ft0,2%
Northbound Presidio Sprint0,39 mi43 ft1,7%
Wash Blvd Outbound Sprint0,24 mi39 ft2,6%
Washington Blvd. uphill grind, from Park Blvd. to Battery Caulfield Rd.0,34 mi36 ft1,6%
Rob Hill Downhill Sprint0,33 mi-26 ft-1,2%
butter third stop1,96 mi308 ft0,9%
Coastal Descent0,40 mi-151 ft-7,1%
lincoln blvd downill0,65 mi-177 ft-5,2%
Lincoln Blvd Half Mile Sprint at Baker Beach0,50 mi-75 ft-2,8%
Escape segment 04 climb 021,21 mi318 ft4,9%
El Camino del Mar to Legion of Honor1,12 mi305 ft5,3%
El Camino Del Mar to Legion - lowest to highest point1,04 mi282 ft5,1%
wheres the fire0,57 mi194 ft6,4%
China Beach to Legion of Honor0,69 mi217 ft5,6%
Legion of Honor Climb0,61 mi220 ft6,8%
Legion of Honor Climb (Main Section)0,42 mi161 ft7,2%
32nd Ave to Legion of Honor0,50 mi180 ft6,7%
Lincoln Hwy: 32nd to Legion of Honor0,47 mi174 ft6,6%
Lincoln Park Golf climb0,52 mi171 ft5,6%
Legion of Honor Climb0,44 mi167 ft7,1%
Gate to gate - Land's End1,67 mi157 ft0,1%
Escape from the Legion0,39 mi-131 ft-6,2%
Legion of Honor Descend0,33 mi-131 ft-7,2%
Legion of Honor/Clement - GGP1,73 mi-312 ft-2,4%
Turn and Burn0,56 mi-167 ft-5,5%
48th to Balboa0,53 mi-187 ft-6,5%
Cliff House Descent0,47 mi-157 ft-6,2%
Escape segment 08 Great Hwy flats0,34 mi10 ft0,1%
Great Hwy to Transverse Dr.1,91 mi194 ft1,9%
Windmill to JFK0,34 mi36 ft2,0%
Great Hwy to Spreckels Lake1,06 mi95 ft1,7%
GGP JFK East - Windmill to Transverse Drive1,84 mi187 ft1,9%
Abstinence Corridor0,16 mi16 ft1,7%
Mini-sprint to Spreckels0,09 mi10 ft2,2%
JKF (Polo Field to 9th Avenue)1,52 mi128 ft1,2%
Spreckels Lake to Traverse Dr0,76 mi82 ft2,1%
Spreckels to Arguello1,86 mi125 ft1,2%
30th to Traverse Sprint0,53 mi85 ft3,0%
JFK from Transverse Dr to 6th Ave0,93 mi30 ft0,5%
JFK Bump0,18 mi13 ft1,4%
Gil’s Hill0,55 mi-23 ft-0,4%
Stow Lake Drive to 10th Ave.0,34 mi-26 ft0,0%
kalanis uphill sprint jam0,22 mi13 ft0,5%
Roses to dance floor0,23 mi20 ft1,3%
JFK Flatland Sprint0,39 mi13 ft0,6%
JFK East from Conservatory to Pelosi0,14 mi0 ft0,0%