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Cycling Route

36.18 mi
2,601 ft
It's as easy as you make it. Cruise along at a social pace or hammer it hard. Stop at the Coronado National Memorial Visitor's Center for a bathroom break or water. The turnaround is at the end of the pavement but if you're not shy of washboard gravel and dirt, continue to the top of Montezuma Pass for some nice views.

Add the Cross climb at mile 24 on the way back for a steep challenge. Take a left on Stone Ridge Rd, right on Prince Placer Rd.
Created By
Sun & Spokes Bicycle Shop

Route and Elevation

5 mi
4,800 ft5,000 ft5,200 ft5,400 ft5,600 ft0.0 mi5.0 mi10.0 mi15.0 mi20.0 mi25.0 mi30.0 mi35.0 mi


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Cherokee TT1.17 mi98 ft1.6%
SPRINT0.40 mi-75 ft-3.6%
Carr Chase0.91 mi95 ft2.0%
Ramsey to Hereford2.17 mi115 ft0.5%
Hwy 92 South0.82 mi89 ft1.9%
EFN Rewind0.72 mi-95 ft-2.2%
Flying V0.62 mi66 ft2.0%
Hereford Hill0.89 mi177 ft3.7%
Just to Hunter Canyon Rd.0.78 mi164 ft4.0%
3 Canyons to Coronado3.22 mi-328 ft-1.5%
Coronado 92 2 Dirt6.15 mi965 ft2.7%
92 to Visitor Center4.82 mi584 ft1.9%
Blue School to Corner1.95 mi-79 ft-0.4%
Valley View Road Challange12.18 mi-955 ft-0.0%
3 mile effort3.04 mi361 ft1.8%
Coronado Climb4.01 mi604 ft2.7%
Coranado Full Road Climb - from turn to end of pavement4.17 mi856 ft3.9%
Corner to Mailboxes0.47 mi98 ft3.8%
Coronado National Memorial1.69 mi417 ft4.6%
W Montezuma Canyon Rd Climb1.25 mi374 ft5.6%
Coronado VC 2 Dirt1.23 mi358 ft5.5%
W Montezuma Canyon Rd Climb1.20 mi371 ft5.8%
Coronado Decent to Visitor Center1.19 mi-348 ft-5.5%
Coronado Descent4.09 mi-558 ft-2.5%
Coronado Downhill2.50 mi-476 ft-3.6%
Running with the Cows0.83 mi66 ft1.5%
Cross 92 2 top0.99 mi410 ft7.6%
Bottom Cross Clmb0.64 mi230 ft6.6%
De La Virgen0.75 mi308 ft7.8%
Cross Climb0.83 mi361 ft8.2%
Cross top climb0.21 mi141 ft12.5%
Texas Flood0.55 mi-213 ft-7.2%
17 to 202.89 mi-249 ft-1.6%
Hereford Hill Descent1.01 mi-190 ft-3.3%
Hang On0.58 mi10 ft0.1%
True Escape From Nicksville Segment1.27 mi95 ft0.4%
Hereford to Ramsey1.89 mi-125 ft-0.5%
Escape from Nicksville0.63 mi95 ft2.7%
21 to 220.96 mi-105 ft-2.1%
Equestian spin0.89 mi-26 ft-0.5%
Equestian spin 20.88 mi-72 ft-1.5%