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+ 130

north oakland

Ruta ciclista

117,56 km
1.519 m
airbnb north oakland loop
Creada por
Adam Lawrence

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Glorietta to Orinda downhill1,95 km-28 m-1,4 %
Orinda Underpass Sprint (Middle Lane)0,50 km-4 m-0,4 %
Minor Rd to Bear Creek Rd1,89 km16 m0,6 %
SPDR TT NB (Part 1)3,22 km-14 m-0,0 %
SPDR TT NB Nutshot Straightaway0,92 km-6 m-0,6 %
SPDR TT NB Power Climb0,57 km13 m2,3 %
Garbage Hill2,01 km49 m2,4 %
Alhambra Valley east to Pig Farm2,26 km144 m6,3 %
Pig Farm Climb West Side0,80 km74 m9,1 %
Pig Farm to Reliez5,42 km-173 m-3,2 %
Alhambra Valley Rd Sprint0,61 km-11 m-1,8 %
AV to AW0,39 km-8 m-2,0 %
painting to bus stop0,44 km-9 m-2,0 %
hwy 4 to green2,92 km-28 m-1,0 %
Alhambra Ave.Downhill Dash1,28 km-14 m-1,1 %
Alhambra Ave - Gas Station to Gas Station0,69 km-6 m-0,9 %
Alhambra Full Lane Sprint0,58 km-5 m-0,8 %
BBC Lunatic Sprint1,06 km-7 m-0,7 %
Anaconda - Snake Rd Martinez to Crockett12,24 km65 m0,1 %
Carquinez Scenic 1st UpDown0,43 km21 m1,6 %
Snake to Gate3,13 km41 m0,6 %
slivering5,96 km48 m0,2 %
gate to gate2,68 km-35 m-0,5 %
Brickyard to Corrals1,08 km49 m4,2 %
Snake Rd Climb to Bull Valley Parking Lot1,05 km50 m4,7 %
Pomona Uphill to Bridge0,75 km21 m2,8 %
Form Carquinez Bridge to Vista Point0,67 km28 m4,2 %
Miller Knox Tailwind Sprint (North to South)0,91 km-5 m-0,1 %
Uphill sprint, Point Richmond Circuit0,33 km6 m1,7 %
Cutting Drag Strip Eastbound (Canal to S 4th)1,05 km0 m0,0 %
The Green Monster (Arlington golf course)1,65 km119 m6,8 %
arlington steeps0,34 km44 m12,9 %
Moeser to the Library Downhill0,89 km-43 m-4,8 %
Grizzly Peak to Brazilian Room3,29 km52 m1,4 %
Top of Spruce to Inspiration Point5,34 km66 m1,2 %
Wildcat (Shasta - Inspiration Point)1,56 km26 m0,8 %
Round the Garden Eastbound0,53 km-13 m-1,8 %
Wildcat (South Park to Inspiration Point Parking Lot)1,99 km35 m1,8 %
WILDCAT - SOUTH PARK TO SPDR 5,78 km-179 m-2,5 %
Quarry to Inspiration Sprint0,66 km11 m1,1 %
descent from inspiration point3,73 km-182 m-4,8 %
Wildcat Canyon Inspiration Point to El Toyonal2,26 km-70 m-3,0 %
Camino Pablo (Bear Creek to Orinda BART)3,38 km26 m0,4 %
Side Street Scoot >>>0,43 km9 m1,9 %
Camino Pablo1,17 km18 m1,5 %
Kicker after Orinda Bart0,35 km5 m1,5 %
Moraga Way South (Camino Encinas to Valley View)3,13 km71 m2,2 %
Moraga Way - Overhill to Glorietta1,94 km31 m1,6 %
Moraga Road Climb 3% (just the climb, Wilshire Dr. to crest after Valley View)1,93 km55 m2,8 %
Los Cerros to Orchard Sprint0,49 km12 m2,4 %